We're in Taupo

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We made it to Taupo, NZ after a *long* day of travel. I got a little sleep on the plane, but basically it's been 30+ hours.

After arriving in Auckland, we made our way through customs (busy!) and met up with the numerous other triathletes and hangers-on who had, like us, made package-deal arrangements through a company that does that sort of thing. The bus ride from Auckland to Taupo takes about 4 hours nonstop, but on this day it was more like 6. We stopped midway through for a bathroom/snacks break.
Everybody staying at our motel is involved in the triathlon in some way, and honestly the whole thing has felt a bit like a school field trip so far!

After we arrived, I went for a nice 45-minute run along the lake while Ariel unpacked and assembled her bicycle. We watched the end of the Academy Awards show -- in which local favorites Peter Jackson & Co took home practically every possible award for the 3rd Lord of the Rings movie (which, incidentally, was the dullest of the 3 if you ask me) -- and then walked into town for a pub dinner.

Taupo is situated on the shore of Lake Taupo, a large-ish lake (maybe half the size of Tahoe) in the middle of the northern island of New Zealand. It is mild and sunny here, probably 60F. Reminds me a lot of San Francisco.

We've taken a couple of pictures, which I'll post when possible. I am *so* happy to be here, and to be on vacation.


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This page contains a single entry by published on February 29, 2004 10:47 PM.

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