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Hey everyone!

I haven't had time to write a full report yet, but I thought you'd like to hear that I'm doing great. After I crossed the line (and that is SO COOL that so many of you watched it live!!!) a nice lady walked me into the finish tent where they weighed me. I lost only 0.4kg during the race -- I was well hydrated. I was walking OK so they let me into the massage area, where I experienced ten minutes of pure bliss. The wonderfulness of the massage was secondary to the fact that I was lying down. I got some food and met Dave and Kathe outside the tent. Then I walked about half a mile to the bike collection point. I felt pretty good!

We celebrated back at the hotel with pizza. When Dave and I turned in around 11pm, there were still competitors heading toward the finish line carrying glowsticks! We had talked about going to the finish line at midnight to welcome the final finishers home, but of course we were all too wiped out -- competitors and spectators alike -- to do anything but go to bed.

Today I'm only a little sore and I have some interesting sunburn patterns. It's another beautiful day in Taupo and for the first time this week, I'm totally relaxed! I want to make the most of it -- I'll probably go for a swim before we head to the awards party tonight.

Thanks for all the wonderful comments! Knowing you were all out there watching kept me moving. We fly to Christchurch tomorrow so I'll try to write my report on the road.



Sar said:

You look so great! I couldn't watch the finish last night (damn Windows Media Player wouldn't work right), but I was thinking of you at the appropriate time. And, now that you're done, there are a lot of hamentashen waiting for you!

Jeremy said:

Addition to my previous posting:

In the photo of Ariel wearing her medal and beaming, I note the weird-assed creature in the xerox just to her left . What on earth is that?

Suzanne said:

WOW - you look mahvelous!!!!! I think you have discovered a new beauty treatment -- forget the spa - Do an Ironman!!! So glad you feel good, and still just thrilled for you that you finished and finished well. Have a wonderful vacation and thanks for the on going reports. :)

Sar said:

Jeremy, I was wondering the same thing. I just assumed it was some sort of Golem (sp??) type thing... Maybe not, though.

Nicole Clausing said:

Congratulations, Ariel! I can't believe you were in motion the entire time I was sitting on my butt at work on Friday (and then some). Enjoy your New Zealand vacation!

Leishia said:

Congrats!!! I was not smart enough to take the blog website home w/ me -- so I had to be patient with the live website. You did SOOOO AWESOME -- I never had any doubts! Have a great rest of your trip and can't wait to see your finsher's medal!!!!

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This page contains a single entry by published on March 6, 2004 6:15 PM.

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