Exciting news

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As of this moment (bike finished, run in progress), both Amy and Shannon are leading their age groups (F30-34 and F35-39, respectively)! Run strong, ladies!



Nancy said:

Run ARIEL GIRL run. You're the best. We are enjoying the front row seats. With you to the finish.

leilani said:

ARIEL YOU ROCK! stay strong and let your training carry you to all the way to the finish line ;)

Shannon H said:

GO Ariel! We're staying up late to see you finish. I'm sooooooo impressed - what a great job so far.

Shannon H. + Baby Griffin

Marissa said:

way to go Ariel, you're the topic of the day.
Stephanie, Jessica and I are emailing
each other, biting our nails and sweating
for you. Way to go Shannon, Amy, Sarah and
Dan. We're with you!

Suzanne (aka Jessica's mom) said:

Wow, Michael & I are sooo impressed and excited for all of you - and a special hoorah for the chicks!! been watching the times all day - made the work day a lot more exciting, let me tell ya. :)
PS Tell Dan to call us if he can when he is done 916-483-8985. Thanks

Steph said:


We're with you all the way on this! We're so incredibly jazzed for you, and a bunch of us are hanging on every race report and savoring news of your progress.

Keep givin' hell out there!


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This page contains a single entry by published on March 5, 2004 6:55 PM.

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