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We're back in Christchurch, and I'm sad to report that we're heading back home to SF in just a few hours. We have really enjoyed posting here and reading everyone's comments, but we haven't been very good about responding to what everyone has to say. So in an effort to maintain our high customer satisfaction ratings, we're going to give some answers, all at once, to the questions you've posted over the past few weeks.

Q. Did the parents take their daughter with them or is she still with you? Did you have to feed her, too? Will she fit in your bike box?

A. The girl followed the parents out the door, although they might not have noticed if she had stuck with us. We did not feed her -- she had already eaten, and she proudly showed us her empty plate. She did want to know exactly why we ordered each item on our table. I guess four-year-olds are like that. As for the bike box... probably, but the girl plus the 19-lb. box would have tipped the scales past the weight limit on baggage.

Q. Had any more tasty scones, or something else besides fish & chips?

A. We have eaten fish & chips six times, all since arriving on the South Island. Two of those times were in one day. (It was Dave's fault.) We may post a f&c review later on. Something odd about NZ eateries is that often you don't get tartar sauce and ketchup (or "tomato sauce") for free. At the best, and cheapest, f&c place, we had to pay 50 cents for a small pack of tartar sauce. We sprung for the large $2 can of tomato sauce to go with the enormous pile of fries we got. It was barely enough. Sometimes they do give you a little "cup" full of tomato sauce for your fries. The cup is a joke -- maybe enough for 1-2 fries.

As for the scones... ah, the scones. Kiwis know their sweets. I can't imagine that low-carb mania will ever hit this country.

Q. Have you read The Bone People?

A. I bought a copy before leaving SF and I haven't even opened it. I slept on the plane and honestly, I have hardly read anything other than our Lonely Planet guide since arriving. There's too much gorgeous scenery to see outside for me to keep my eyes on a book. I'll probably read it after I get back when I'm pining for the Fiordlands.

Q. In the photo of Ariel wearing her medal and beaming, I note the weird-assed creature in the xerox just to her left. What on earth is that?

A. I have no idea.

We still have more photos and some hilarious videos to post, as well as many more thoughts on our visit to share with whoever is still reading. We'll be back in the states in about 24 hours. Wish us safe travels!



Sar said:

So sad that your vacation is over -- I was definitely living vicariously through you. I can't wait to see the rest of the photos and videos, etc. Have a most excellent trip back and I will see you in New York (I hope)!

Suzanne said:

I too have been getting my vicarious travel thrills from your wonderful "show & tell." Will miss checking in for the latest update. Hope your flight home is pleasant & uneventful. I look forward to seeing you again Ariel, and hopefully meeting Dave as well. Thanks again for the fun & fascinating travel log.

Grandpa said:

Ariel & Dave


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