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Here you go!



Suzanne said:

Wow, wow, wow - looks like incredible country there!! Thank you so much for sharing so much with us. Had any more tasty scones, or something else besides fish & chips? Keep having fun and keep posting the pics - they are beautiful!! :)

Karen M. Rosenthal said:

Beautiful much water! Spring has sprung in California and we haven't had enough winter rain yet. Makes me sad and a little bit anxious...from a public policy and land use point of view.Hope Chuck enjoys the New Holland connection!Looking forward to talking to you when you get back!

leishia said:

Wow -- that must have been amazing. Those pictures are fabulous -- keep them coming.

Did Nicassio loop this saturday, have to say, it is just not fun w/out you. Also, my timex body link finally came -- WOW -- it looks amazing. I am so glad you told me about it. I can't wait to try it out.

Have a great time on the rest of your trip!!!!

tEEna said:

I am planning my trip right now. I'm thinking maybe a weeklong stopover in Fiji as well ...

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This page contains a single entry by published on March 14, 2004 8:57 PM.

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