Race report

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I have finally put together my IMNZ race report. It takes almost as long to read as it took me to finish the race!



Nattu Natraj said:

Awesome report. Congratulations.

Melissa Vetricek said:

Ariel! Your report brought tears to my eyes, especially when you approached the finish line. You make me want to do one of these crazy things one day . . . .You are my hero! Congratulations! And, I know what you mean about not enjoying the day. I did the same thing at MCM; invested so much energy into a single day and then didn't even enjoy it. I'm not sure I have an answer to it or have completely sorted out my feelings on it either. I would like to think I could be more "Judy-like" and run with a smile on my face for my next race! But, I guess only time will tell!

Congratulations again Ironwoman!!! (oh and very cool medal! Love the engraving!)

Leishia said:

I too was brought to tears reading your race report. I am sorry that you feel like you did not enjoy it. Perhaps (I hope) that feeling will pass when you realize the amazing thing that you just accomplished. And your tremendous showing is making me think 'could I do this?'. So if you do another one, I might just have to join you. I am just so proud of you and have a great vacation!!!!! And top 1/2 (well 1 away) in your age group is pretty impressive.



Dave Dwyer said:

Ariel, This is a great report, and you are a credit to yourself, your athletic spirit, and all of us on the V-team, too. This report is enough to answer the question.."Why?" I salute you, and congratulate you.

Bob Winter said:

Ariel, What a fantastic accomplishment! I am in awe! Your race report was well worth the wait! I can't tell you how many people I've told about you over the previous weekend. I am so proud of you!

You have got me wanting to do one of these sooooo bad! Thank for being such an inspiration!!

Marissa said:


You are my hero too, and definately
the 'posterchild' of our Tri club. We
are so proud of you! At the Saturday
morning meeting at 'the basement' all
we could talk about was you and how well
you did! Be proud and have heaps of fun
out there on the bottom half of the world!
PS I cant wait to do one either,
but first I must survive Wildflower!
Cheers. Marissa
PS DAVE thanks so much for putting
together this website. I couldnt have
lived without it!

Jess said:

Dear Ariel,
Thank you for the amazing race report. I am sitting here crying my eyes out (I need a little drama in my life, Triclub seems to take care of that!). You really are my inspiration. As Marissa said, we are all so proud and happy! Take care, and we'll be waiting at the Sports Basement for your first post-IMNZ ride to Fairfax.

Cherie Robideaux said:

You are truely amazing. You probably need some time away from the whole event for everything to work itself out in your mind. How you describe it reminds me of giving birth...its a hugely amazing experience, different every time, and women do it repetatively because, quite frankly, it's amazing!
I hope you make it to Chicago because I would LOVE to talk to you in person about the training and final event. Congratulations on a much earned fantastic race!!

Suzanne said:

Wow, I was so moved and teary, in fact I have been weepy for the whole thing, and then the comments did it again! You have inspired this old lady too. (Jess says I should do a sprint first - do ya think?). I think my husband thinks I am having some sort of post-menopausal fit. That aside, your report was just amazing and I have found this website fascinating all along. Thanks to you both for sharing so much with all of us.
Looking forward to seeing you again and hearing more about the whole adventure. And I fully understand why you want to do it again - crossing the finish line must be a pretty heady thrill. Take care now and party on for the rest of the trip!!

Elayne Fletcher said:

Congrats on finishing your first Ironman! The race report was great, I really felt like I was there. I can understand having mixed feelings about it but for now I hope you're just enjoying the amazing feeling of accomplishment.

Lynniez said:

Ariel - what a GREAT race report. I followed your link over from the V-team. Wow...I was so engrossed in your report my boss had to call me twice before I heard her. All I can say is WOW - you did it - that's a memory to cherish. Enjoy your vacation you earned it! hmmm - maybe you have inspired me to get back into Tri's (little baby ones!)

Lisa Viane said:

Amazing Ariel - just amazing! I laughed at the hand washing comment! You are an inpiration to us all!

Catherine Kedjidjian said:

Ariel, I'm so proud of you, inspired by you, and in awe of you. Thanks for sharing your report, and CONGRATULATIONS!

Sue said:

You, my girl, are awesome. I've said it once, and I'll say it again - you are one of the strongest, most dedicated people I know.

Go Ariel Go!!! Congrats for finishing so strongly!!

Karen M. Rosenthal said:

Great report, great race! I am moved to tears by reading about all your friends being moved to tears....I have printed up your stories and website URL and passing it out to everyone I know...as well as e-mailing everyone I know. Now, can I print your report, edit it a little and submit to the Courier with a little more info about distances etc? They'll love it. Thanks to dave for setting this up..it's terrific.

Enjoy the rest of your trip. Love, MOM

Alastair Clader said:

Ariel, congratulations and what a report. Reading a step by step report like that makes one realize what agreat achievement an Ironman really is.
Congratulations again on a fantastic race

Lorrie Poch said:

What a great story. Not only am I impressed that you did the thing but that you wrote about it so well too. I made me feel like I was there (without the training time). I know it's the closest I'm ever going to get to an ironman. What an accomplishment. I read somewhere that if you've done an Olympic distance tri during the previous year you can say you're a triathlete but if you've done an ironman you can say you're a triathlete for the rest of your life. You're a triathlete forever.

Mike McKenna said:

Wow! I am in awe. You did it. I was humbled by your commitment. You are an IM athlete. I sure hope you make it to Chicago this year so I can shake your hand. You are an amazing person. I am truly inspired by you training and race.

tEEna said:

This was great to read - very nice to have an honest review about the ups and downs of IM racing. I can only imagine. Is your post-race thinking "what's next?" or more like "I need to rest!" ? NZ - What a great place to transition from training all the time to taking it easy (or easier).

D-Wes said:

Oh my gosh! Amazing. Fantastic. Awesome. Inspiring. Wonderful. Great. Outrageous.



Steve Shute said:

Ariel, what an AWESOME job in your first Ironman! You are a true inspiration. Great effort, fellow V-Teamer!!!


Lauren said:


To imagine that you did not know how to swim 4 years ago...

Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment and thanks for sharing your wonderful experiences to inspire tri newbies like myself.


Ray [the scrawn] Pitch said:

Great report Ariel - well done on a great finish - any IM finish is good, but to finish in daylight puts the icing on the cake! As for feeling queasy on the ride - Cytomax was probably putting too much CHO into your stomach - for IMNZ 2006 (yeah right!) I'd suggest alternating Cytomax & water.

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