She finished!

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Ariel finished the race tonight at 8:05 PM, just before the sun went down! Her time was 13:05:30. (You can check out all the gorey details on the Ironman Live site.) She came through the finish line running a good stride and smiling, and she's (amazingly!) walking around like a normal person now, although she's a just little stiff.

I'm sure she'll want to give a full report when she gets up the gumption ... for now thanks to all for staying up with us. I know Ariel really appreciates it. (She asked me to print out your comments so she could read them tonight!)

PS: Congratulations to all our friends who finished! And thanks to Joe & Kathe & Tara for their mobile cheering support. It was fun.



Jess said:

CONGRATULATIONS! Yay! Hurrah! You look fabulous in all of these pictures. Now you get to hang out and enjoy yourself, drink a beer or 5, and shop for LOTR action figures. :)

Saydeah said:

Wow Ariel,

I didn't even know you were doing your Ironman this year and girl - I am so damn impressed. Congrats on finishing, Congrats on an amazing time - 13 hours! - and Congrats on being the kick ass woman you are. Impressed doesn't even begin to describe it. I owe you a drink (or two) when you get back. Take care and bask in the glory of a job well done!


Chanman said:

Woo hoo...way to go Ariel!!
And great coverage, DP?!
Did you have a meet sheet?

Sar said:

UNBELIEVABLE!!! OK, maybe believable and AMAZING!!!

rick said:

Way to go, Ariel!!! A 4:46 'thon to finish? Holy blowin' by people all the way, Batman!! You so rock, girl!!! Major congratulations! Woooohooo!

Lauren C. said:

The whole thing was so cool! It was like watching the OJ chase. I couldn't drag myself away from the screen, with all that dang new-fangled technology. Dave, the play-by-play was simply amazing. You are such a good hubby. Congratulations to both of you. Now, enjoy the rest of your trip!

Chuck said:

Ditto to all the above and we are just plain proud parents.

This is the first transmission on my birthday present, Laptop with wireless ISP connection. We enjoyed the live feed on the 17" screen.

julie & brian said:

ariel, i can't even begin to tell you how proud i am of you. i barely got any work done yesterday as i kept my eye on your progress all day. you are amazing!!! it's been so thrilling to witness your commitment through this whole process. i truly admire you!

ok, so am i a total geek that i got complete tears in my eyes when i searched for your results this morning? thanks for the inspiration, sister, and i can't wait to hear your details of the race (and take you out for drinks when you're back home again).

dave, you're awesome for having supported ariel through all this -- and for keeping us posted with piccies & details!

enjoy your vacation you two! and don't forget to stop in kaikoura to swim with some dolphins!


julie & brian

Jeremy said:

Ariel, I am in complete awe of your accomplishment. I couldn't do all that physical exertion in 13 years, let alone 13 hours. Congratulations, and enjoy the rest of your vacation in Noisyland. (That goes for you, too, Dave.)


P.S. I went snowboarding today up at Northstar with Anna and she sends her hellos, she was naturally impressed to hear about your tri.

Karen M. Rosenthal said:

wow! I completely forgot about your personal website...I followed you, sort of, on the ironman site. kept getting diverted by links for side trips, volcanoes, geysers, the rainbow trout history of Lake Taupo's streams (from ova imported from Sonoma County in the 1890's!!!!)

you look great, congratulations. Love MOM

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