Stateside friends want to know:

| | Comments (14)

Q. When will all this be over so I can go to bed?

A. Let's see ... it's 6:00pm here, so it's 9:00pm in California, 11:00pm in Chicago, midnight(!) in New York. We'll probably start seeing finishers from our group in about an hour ... and I think Ariel would be very pleased to finish by 8:00pm local time (11:00pm in California, etc.).

Q. It's ok if I get sleepy and just check the results tomorrow, right?

A. Of course! We're flattered that you've all been paying such close attention! Please, please, get some sleep! (PS: We miss you all!)



Judy Henderson said:

Ariel, you are my hero!!! I hope you know the entire v-team has been watching your progress all day long. You are almost there now, and we are all so incredibly proud of you!!!

Julie Koehler said:

I'm still watching for you Ariel! I'll be sitting by my computer until I know you're done. I'm so happy for you. What an accomplishment!

Good on ya, Ariel!! That's an amazing bike time! I am watching the finish line here waiting for you. There's a great high-quality video feed here:

Those of you smart enough to not have windoze, can watch w/ mplayer.

leilani said:

we're still here...hope you had a fantastic race experience...all the way to the end. what an accomplishment!

David Hoatson said:

Congrats!! Just watched (!) Ariel finish in 13:05. Amazing!!!! Well done!

Lauren C. said:

I just watched you cross the finish line! You did it! You are my hero!

Jon Dikinis said:

Ariel, it was fantastic watching you cross that finish line!!!! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW!

Glenn Hammerson said:

Wow, congratulations Ariel! You did awesome!! You ROCK! Enjoy the rest of your time in NZ & eat whatever you want. You deserve it.

Nancy said:

We told you "You're the Best!"
Congrats! Chuck, Nancy, and Jon

marissa said:

woohoo! 13:05, you're the best! Everyone from the
team did great! We're all watching, thanks for
the 'entertainment'. Now go sleep, eat and be


Suzanne said:

Well, just had to check the site one more time before bed. Unfortunately we couldn't get the video, but kept up with the postings. Ariel, you and the others are just awesome!! I can't imagine what you must be feeling, but I bet it is incredible!!
Enjoy the rest of your vacation. and thanks for the thrills!

Lorrie said:

Hurray, congratulations and wow! I checked it before I went to sleep. 13:05 is Fanf'in tastic. You've inspired me to try Donner Lake Int'l on my own again.

Frank Walaitis said:


Steph said:


Congrats!!! Marissa just emailed me that she knew you'd crossed the finish line. I was checking in one last time before I head off to bed (it's 12am here). We're all so proud of you. You really knocked that run back. From those times listed, it doesn't appear as though you ended up walking those last 13 miles!! ;^) Have a great vacation, enjoy your success, and we'll all celebrate with you once you're back!!

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This page contains a single entry by published on March 5, 2004 9:07 PM.

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